Hello there, my name is Lewis!

I am currently studying Media and Communications with Swinburne Online. I am a creative powerhouse who is passionate about designing media content, writing on my blog Lewlyfe, creating YouTube videos and studying hard at uni. I am invested in creating content that matters to people and telling individuals stories. I have a heart and passion for people and my local community in Northwest Tasmania. I love bushwalking, watching TV, reading, creating videos and engaging with my community. I have skills in video editing and production along with extensive knowledge using sound equipment to tell effective stories.

I am driven to make a postive impact in this world, to inspire and challenge people to live good lives.

Lewlyfe Purpose

Lewlyfe has been a growing hobby over the last few years which allows me to test and try new things and create content that I love making. I have hopes to grow and expand this business into the future. This can only happen with the support of anyone who chooses to watch, listen to and engage with Lewlyfe! I have high hopes for my future whatever it looks like! So engage, like, subscribe, get in contact and support me as I build Lewlyfe!

If you would like to see what I get up to with uni or contact me with future work opportunities then check out the link below.
